Text by Pavel Priazhko
Directed by Dmitry Volkostrelov
Assistant director Alyona Starostina
The characters of the play by the Minsk playwright Pavel Pryazhko are school children, teenagers aged 14-16 who have completely different attitude to the information world they live in: the ‘generation of zero’ does not know about dial-up Internet and the lack of gadgets and search sites. Understanding this generation and finding out who they are become the main task of the play. The actors in this performance are average Kazan teenagers 14-16 years. Among them are students of drama school and ordinary school kids. They were selected from 90 candidates on a casting in early March 2016. ‘The play is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. It is multi-layered. In addition to the verbal garbage that is so inherent of today’s youth, the performance has a parallel storyline about “the hum of the Earth”. The hum is like a harbinger of the apocalypse, stretched over time, gradually covering us and our world. It marks the end of all or the beginning of new. “Hum of the earth” – is the noise, which we are beginning to get used to, and can not explain to ourselves so far’, – says the director.
Dmitry Volkostrelov is a founder of St.Peterburg Theater Post and a winer of National theatre Prize ‘The Golden Mask’.
Text by Pavel Pryazhko
Directed by Dmitry Volkostrelov
Assistant director Alyona Starostina
Eduard Makaryan
Anstasiia Kalinicheva
Alena Puludi
Elizaveta Butakova
Timerkhan Zakirov
Ruslan Ibragimov
The premiere of the performance ‘Karina and Drone’ took place on 23-24 April 2016 in the Creative laboratory ‘Ugol’ (Kazan, Russia). It was supported by the Ministry of culture of the Republic of Tatarstan and Foundation for the Support of Contemporary Art ‘Zhivoy gorod’.
Duration 1 hour
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