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Только актуальная клубняк 2016 от популярных DJ

Cathy Naden workshop: Moves in The Game

For theatre professionals

November 18, 2 to 5 pm

Cathy Naden is a performer, deviser and writer. In 1984 she was a co-founder of internationally acclaimed Forced Entertainment and has spent over thirty years working with the company at the cutting edge of theatre. She has co-devised and performed in numerous theatrical works playing to audiences in Europe, America, Japan, South Korea, Australia and South America. Her work with Forced Entertainment is a collective exploration of what theatre and performance can mean in contemporary life- how it can challenge, provoke, entertain and surprise.

She also works with young practitioners as a mentor and director and is especially interested in live-ness and in questioning expectations around authenticity, fiction, acting and authorship. She has also collaborated and performed with other theatre-makers, including French Choreographer Jerome Bel and Belgian theatre collective TG STAN. She has just completed her first novel and is represented by Sarah Such Literary Agency. Cathy Naden lives in London.

This three-hour practical workshop will look at ideas around process in performance and live-decision making. Using simple text, rules and visual composition as principal devising tools, participants will explore the creative possibilities and pitfalls that arise from generating and structuring material collectively.

Requirements: spoken English, 20 participants maximum.

To participate in Cathy Naden’s workshop, please, send the filled application form to sara.tokina@gmail.com

Deadline November 7. Successful candidates will be announced on November 11

Cathy Naden workshop is supported by the British Council in Russia