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General Information about NET Festival
(New European Theatre)

+7 (095) 772 91 48
fax +7 (095) 209 16 88

Festival’s history
  • The first NET Festival took place in Moscow in 1998. It was initiated by the group of theatre critics and was supposed to present to Russian public modern productions from Europe and Russia.
  • With the support of Soros Foundation the second Festival was organized in 1999 with an additional program of seminars and discussions. It was dedicated to the 10-th Anniversary of Berlin Wall’s downfall and to the process of integration of different cultures from Western and Eastern Europe.
  • NET Festival has been held at Meyerhold Theatre Centre and supported by Russian Ministry of Culture since 2001.
  • Festival discovered the new wave of Russian theatre directors: Evgenyi Grishkovets, Olga Subbotina, Kirill Serebrennikov, Ivan Vyrypaev.
Festival’s aims
  • Discover new names in Russian and European Theatre.
  • Define trends in contemporary theatre direction, new writing, acting.
  • Provide the opportunity for independent young Russian theatre groups to take part in Festival side by side with leaders of European Theatre.
  • Inculcate in Moscow audience a taste for modern theatre art from Europe.
  • Make the forum to discuss common problems for the young people from Eastern and Western Europe
Press about Festival
  • “The aim of the festival is get together those who look for new modes of theatre existence and let them find the way worth of taking. To my mind, the presented productions have in common to put away traditional forms and discover the new ones suitable for modern people”. Vremya Novostei, 200
  • “From the inhumanly huge Theatre Olympics and chaotic “Golden Mask” NET Festival differs by clear concept and compact size”. Expert, 2001
  • “The festival program is like a catch which is taken from the wide space of new European theatre. There are well-know productions which made good impact in Europe and go from one festival to another obtaining new admirers”. Itogi, 2003
  • “The fifth NET was quite a success. But this time it’s rather not new but mainstream European theatre Moscow public has used to. And this is one of the merits of NET”. Vedomosti, 2003
Organizers and partners of NET Festival
  • Art directors of Festival: Marina Davydova, PHD, theatre critic, observer of Izvestiya newspaper and Roman Dolzhanskiy – theatre critic, observer of Kommersant newspaper
  • Executive director of Festival Evgeniya Shermeneva
  • Constant Partners are French Culture Centre in Moscow, British Council in Moscow, Goethe Institute in Moscow
  • Ford Foundation is supporting the part of festival events
  • Partners: Meyerhold Theatre Centre, Theatre of Nations, Mossovet Theatre, Theatre Centre of STD, Cultural Centre DOM, several foreign Culture Centres and Culture departments of foreign embassies in Moscow